The Andalusian, also known as the Pure Spanish Horse (Pura Raza Española or PRE), is one of the most famous Spanish horse breeds. Known for their elegance, strength, and versatility, Andalusians are often used in dressage, driving, and various equestrian performances.
Similar to the Andalusian, the Lusitano is a Portuguese horse breed that shares many characteristics with its Spanish counterpart. Lusitanos are known for their intelligence, agility, and strong build. They excel in dressage, classical riding, and working equitation.
The Spanish Mustang is a breed developed in the United States, descended from horses brought by Spanish explorers. Known for their hardiness and endurance, Spanish Mustangs are versatile and often used in trail riding and ranch work.
The Sorraia is a rare and ancient breed native to the Iberian Peninsula. Though found in Portugal as well, it has Spanish roots. These horses are known for their primitive characteristics, endurance, and hardiness. They are often used in conservation efforts to preserve the breed.
The Hispano-Árabe is a Spanish breed resulting from the crossbreeding of Andalusians with Arabians. This blend produces a horse with both the strength of the Andalusian and the elegance of the Arabian. They are versatile and used in various equestrian disciplines.
Also known as the Spanish Sport Horse, this breed is a warmblood type developed in Spain. It is a versatile horse with qualities suitable for jumping, dressage, and eventing.
The Galician Horse is a native breed from the Galicia region of Spain. Known for its hardiness, surefootedness, and versatility, it has traditionally been used for agricultural work, riding, and driving.
The Menorquín is a horse breed native to the Balearic Islands, specifically Menorca. It is known for its distinctive black coat, strength, and agility. The Menorquín has been traditionally used for both agricultural work and classical dressage.