8 Super Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Kids

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1. Greek Yogurt Parfait

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Layer Greek yogurt with fresh fruits like berries, banana slices, and a sprinkle of granola for added crunch. This provides a good balance of protein, calcium, and vitamins.

2. Whole Grain Pancakes or Waffles

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Use whole grain flour to make pancakes or waffles and top them with a moderate amount of pure maple syrup, fresh fruit, or a dollop of Greek yogurt for added protein.

3. Oatmeal with Fruit and Nuts

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Cook oats with milk or water and top with sliced strawberries, blueberries, and a handful of chopped nuts (like almonds or walnuts). This combination offers fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

4. Egg and Veggie Muffins

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Make mini egg muffins by whisking eggs and adding diced vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, and tomatoes. Bake them in a muffin tin for a portable and protein-packed breakfast.

5. Smoothie Bowl

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Blend a nutritious smoothie with fruits, yogurt, and a handful of spinach. Pour it into a bowl and top with granola, sliced bananas, and chia seeds for added texture and nutrients.

6. Peanut Butter Banana Toast

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Spread peanut butter on whole grain toast and top with banana slices. This provides a good balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

7. Homemade Breakfast Burrito

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Fill a whole grain tortilla with scrambled eggs, black beans, diced tomatoes, and a sprinkle of cheese. Roll it up for a delicious and protein-rich breakfast.

8. Fruit and Nut Butter Quesadilla

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Spread almond or peanut butter on a whole grain tortilla, add sliced strawberries or apples, and fold it in half. Lightly warm it on a skillet for a tasty and balanced breakfast.

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