8 Canine Enrichment Games Activities

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1. Puzzle Feeders

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Invest in puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys. These toys make your dog work for their food, providing mental stimulation and slowing down mealtime.

2. Hide and Seek

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Play a game of hide and seek with your dog. Hide treats or toys around the house or yard, and encourage your dog to find them using their sense of smell.

3. DIY Agility Course

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Set up a DIY agility course in your backyard using items like cones, tunnels, and jumps. This not only provides physical exercise but also engages your dog's problem-solving skills.

4. Frozen Treats

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Make frozen treats by stuffing a Kong or similar toy with a mixture of dog-friendly ingredients like peanut butter, yogurt, and treats. Freezing the toy adds an extra challenge.

5. Scent Games

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Engage your dog's sense of smell by playing scent games. Hide treats or toys in different locations and encourage your dog to find them using their nose.

6. Interactive Toys

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Invest in interactive toys that dispense treats as your dog plays with them. This provides mental stimulation and rewards your dog for engaging with the toy.

7. Tug-of-War

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Play a game of tug-of-war with your dog using a safe and sturdy toy. This not only provides physical exercise but also strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

8. Training Sessions

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Regular training sessions are a great way to provide mental stimulation. Teach your dog new tricks, reinforce basic commands, or work on more advanced obedience training.

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